School Lunches
Lunch Menu:
At Newport Primary School we pride ourselves in supplying our children with excellent food. We feel that it is one of the most important parts of a child’s life – to eat properly.
Eating a healthy diet enables a child to live life to the full and gives them a better performance all round specifically helping with their concentration levels – which in turn affects achievement.
So we encourage all of our children to have a school dinner.
We have a high uptake of school lunches at our school; it’s good to know that our children are getting a well-balanced and healthy school meal.
A menu is sent out via Parentpay to all pupils twice a year, but we ask you to be aware that due to changes or issues with supply that it may change slightly. We will always do our best to inform parents when this has happened.
Please let the office know in writing if your child has any special dietary requirements.